Integrating with Zapier
Zapier is a service fo creating workflow automations between different apps. For example you could use Zapier to post a message to Slack or book time in Calendly whenever someone agrees to consent.
How to I connect Consent Kit to Zapier?
Click Setup on Consent Kit on Zapier (takes you to "My Apps" in Zapier)
Now click on "Add connection" and search for "Consent Kit"
A popup window will prompt you to use your credentials to connect your Consent Kit account to Zapier.
- Sign into Consent Kit (if not already signed in)
Optional - you may be prompted to review permissions and allow the application. Click "Approve"
- Once complete the popup wil close and you will be returned to Zapier
Done! You can start creating Zaps with no coding experience.
You can use Consent Kit's zapier integration in your Zapier account simply by searching for "Consent Kit" when building your Zap(s). Or, look below for some inspiration.
Popular use cases
Need inspiration? See the most common use cases below or explore everything that's possible with Consent Kit and Zapier on Consent Kit's listing in Zapier's directory.
Additional help
- Want us to help setup your Zapier workflows? Get in touch
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